The page copy/paste operation is straightforward and unremarkable in SiteSpinner™. You simply select a page to copy, issue the copy command, issue the paste command, and then the page and everything on it is replicated exactly.
But the handling of objects copied and then pasted with the page requires some discussion. That’s because objects may possess one of four different target copy options, as set on the Object Editor dialog box (see Object Editor Dialog Box.). Depending on which of the four options it has, a pasted object may behave differently on the pasted page than its copied original does on the copied page. Thus it’s important to understand the differences before you perform a page copy/paste operation.
Object target copy options are discussed more fully in Target Copy Options but are summarized as follows:
When you paste a page that contains objects with a target copy option of Copy, these objects will be identical to their copied originals on the copied page. You may reposition, transform, or edit the geometry or shading components of the pasted objects, and the results will be completely independent of their copied originals. All objects by default have a target copy option of Copy.
When you paste a page that contains objects with a target copy option of Clone, the copy will share the original object’s geometry ( and shading if used), and therefore any changes to the geometry or shading components of the pasted objects will be applied to the copied originals as well as to any object in the project that shares those components. Otherwise, pasted clone objects behave the same as pasted copy objects – you can reposition or transform them independently of their copied originals.
When you paste a page that contains objects with a target copy option of Include, these objects will be identical to the originals on the copied page. Therefore any changes you make to include objects – repositioning, transforming, or component editing – will be reflected on every page in which they appear. Included object are a second instance of the same object, not a copy of the object
Objects on a copied page that have a target copy option of Private will not be copied to the pasted page. They are exclusive to the page onto which they were originally inserted.
Click the Copy Page button: in
the Page bar
Right-click the page and select Page>Copy Page
Click the Paste Page button: in the Page bar
Right-click on the page displaying in the Work Window and select PagePaste Page.
The copied page will appear as the last page of the project with a new, system-assigned name.