Use the paste command to add a cut or copied object to any page in the project. A pasted object will be a completely independent replica of the cut or copied original object.
The easiest way to paste a cut or copied object is to use the CTRL+V keyboard shortcut.
Currently you cannot paste an object from one program to another (even to a second instance of SiteSpinner). However, a representation of the object is placed on the Windows clipboard in the form of a bitmap. In that way you can, for example, copy an ellipse or title object, and then paste a picture of the ellipse or title into another Windows program. Because of that you may encounter cases where you have copied an object and then deleted it. In that situation only, the bitmap remains on the clipboard. If you then paste into SiteSpinner, you will paste the bitmap not the object. A warning message will appear if this happens.
You can mouse click on the page where you want to add the pasted object before you issue the paste command. If that position is not on a visible part of the Work Window the object is pasted to the center of the visible Work Window.
Right-click and select Cut
Click the Cut button: in the
File Bar
Select Edit>Cut.
The object will be removed from its current location.
Right-click and select Paste
Click the Paste Duplicate Object button: in the File Bar
Select Edit>Paste.
The object will be pasted at the chosen position on the page.
If pasting a selection (temporary group) be sure not to click in the Work Window. Otherwise the selection will be dissolved an there will be nothing to paste.
Right-click and select Copy
Click the Copy button: in the
File Bar
Select Edit>Copy.
Right-click and select Paste
Click the Paste Duplicate Object button: in the File Bar
Select Edit>Paste.
The duplicate object will be pasted at the chosen position on the page.
If you are copying an object from one page to another and do not click the other page at the position you want to paste the copied object, the object will be copied to the same position on the other page as it appears on the original page.