Object Names

When you add an object, SiteSpinner™ will automatically give it a name beginning with the “obj-“ prefix. You can view a selected object’s name in the following locations:

Although the system-given object name will be unique (that is, no other object in the project will share it), it won’t necessarily be descriptive or memorable. You can change the name of the object to something more descriptive by typing over the system-assigned name with a new name in any of the Object Selection combo boxes.

An object name may contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters. It cannot contain blanks or non-standard characters or begin with a numeral.

Renaming an Object

Use any of the following procedures to rename an object:

In the Work Window:

  1. Click to select on the current page the object you want to rename.

    Its current name will appear in the Object Selection combo box of the Page Bar. For more information, see Page Bar.

  2. Click the object name in the Object Selection combo box of the Page Bar to highlight it.
  3. Enter a new name, up to 10 alphanumeric characters, overwriting the old name.
  4. Click the Work Window or other edit box.

    The object is now renamed.

In the Quick Properties Editor dialog box:

  1. Click to select on the current page the object you want to rename.
  2. Press the ALT+Q keyboard shortcut to open the Quick Properties Editor dialog box. For more information, see Quick Properties Editor Dialog Box .
  3. Click the Objects Tab.

    The current name of the object will appear in the Object Selection combo box.

  4. Click the object name in the Object Selection combo box to highlight it
  5. Enter a new name, up to 10 alphanumeric characters, overwriting the old name.
  6. Click the Work Window or other edit box.

    The object is now renamed.

In the Object Editor dialog box:

  1. Click to select on the current page the object you want to rename.
  2. Press the ALT+O keyboard shortcut to open the Object Editor dialog box. For more information, see Object Editor Dialog Box.
  3. Click the Components Tab.

    The current name of the object will appear highlighted in the Object Selection combo box.

  4. In the Object Selection combo box, enter a new name for the object, up to 10 alphanumeric characters, overwriting the old name.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

    The object is now renamed.

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