Edit Menu

The Edit Menu on the Text Editor dialog box offers the following options:

Menu Option Description
Undo Reverses the previous editing operation.
Redo Reapplies an edit operation that has just been undone.
Delete Deletes the current selection.
Cut Cuts highlighted text in the Text Editor dialog box and copies it to the clipboard.
Copy Copies highlighted text in the Text Editor dialog box.
Paste Inserts cut or copied text. You may also paste text copied from other text editors or word processing applications into the Text Editor.
Paste Plain Text Inserts cut or copied text as unformatted, plain text (10 pt. Courier New). This is useful is you are pasting from a external source with unusual formatting (such as documents with tables or images) that may cause the text to be displayed in an unusual way.
Select All Highlights all text in the Text Editor dialog box.
Find Opens the Find dialog box, allowing you to specify a term or phrase to search for in the Text Editor dialog box.
Find Next Searches the Text Editor dialog box for additional instances of the term or phrase most recently entered in the Find dialog box.
Replace Opens the Replace dialog box, allowing you to replace all instances of a search term or phrase with a substitute term or phrase.

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