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How to hide your HTML code

Many web authors are extremely defensive about their HTML
code, especially if they feel that they have created something
unique. A few days ago I received an e-mail from someone asking
how another site was able to generate an error message whenever
he attempted to use the View Source button to checkout the
underlying HTML.

As an example, I have set up a page at

http://www.IMSWebTips.com/is1fig1.htm to generate this special
error. If you attempt to use the View Source command in your
browser the message:

will be generated.

So how is it done? I am sure many of you net savvy users will
know right away.

The fact is, trying to hide your HTML code is like trying to hide
the brush strokes in an Impressionist painting. The HTML is the web
page. What you see when you visit a web site is your Browser's
interpretation of the HTML. The reason a web page can appear
slightly different when viewed in Netscape or Explorer is because
they interpret the HTML differently.

So how is it done?

The way any good illusionist performs a trick. With smoke and
mirrors. The error message is the smoke or slight of hand. It is
only a trick to distract your attention. It could just as easily have
said: --Happy news. For the best pizza dial (555) MyP-izza---.
The mirror is about 20 or 30 blank lines. HTML ignores multiple
blank characters or blank lines. Adding blank lines to the top of a
HTML page will be ignored by the browser but will make the page
appear blank to a casual viewer. Use the scroll bar to find the
HTML if you don't believe me.

"IMS Web Tips" ISSN 1488-7088
© Copyright 1999 Virtual Mechanics

"IMS Web Tips" is a weekly news letter for all web site managers regardless of experience who are looking for detailed information on
creating, maintaining and promoting their web sites.

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